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Writing of HOTS-Based Questions for MTSN 2 Kebumen Teachers

On Saturday and Sunday, August 20-21, 2022, the PPM team of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program consisting of Prof. Dr. Burhan Nurgiyantoro, Dr. Sudiati, Nurhidayah, M.Hum., Nurvita Anjarsari, M.Hum., and Wijang Iswara Mukti, M.Pd., held a HOTS-Based Question Writing Workshop for Teachers at MTs N 2 Kebumen. This workshop was attended by 78 teachers as participants from several different schools. The event was opened by the Principal of MTs N 2 Kebumen, Mr. Sugeng Purwanto, and was previously welcomed by the Head of the Ministry of Religion and the Head of the Kebumen Supervisor. In her speech, Mrs. Sudiati explained the need to develop HOTS-based questions that are linked to 21st century skills that must be mastered and literacy skills in Indonesia. On the first day, participants received material on Steps to Compile HOTS Questions and examples of questions, while on the second day participants presented HOTS questions that had been compiled and reviewed by the PPM team. This PPM activity will also continue its online progress in September.
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