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Lecturers of the PBSI Department of UNY Participate in Joint Gymnastics in Commemoration of 60th Anniversary

Lecturers of the PBSI Department of UNY Participate in Joint Gymnastics in Commemoration of 60th Anniversary
State University of Yogyakarta. To commemorate its 60th Anniversary, the State University of Yogyakarta (UNY) held a joint gymnastics which was attended by lecturers, staff, and students from various faculties and departments, including the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education (PBSI). The event, which took place on Friday, February 23, 2024, was not only a joint exercise event but also enlivened by the giving away of interesting door prizes. This activity took place from 07.00 WIB until finished and was located at the Athletics & Soccer Stadium FIKK UNY.
The Rector of UNY, in his speech when opening the event, expressed the importance of maintaining fitness and unity in the campus environment. He also expressed his gratitude to all participants and organizers who had participated in this joint gymnastics activity. Furthermore, the Rector emphasized that this activity is one way to increase academic productivity and professionalism among the UNY academic community.
This joint gymnastics activity was full of fun. The participants enthusiastically followed every movement led by professional gymnastics instructors. Not only that, this activity was also filled with distributing door prizes that had been prepared by the committee. Various attractive prizes, such as motorcycles, bicycles, electronic devices, and many more, have successfully added the enthusiasm of the participants.
The door prize distribution was held at the end of the event. The PBSI Department lecturers who succeeded in bringing home the door prizes were Beniati Lestyarini, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Anis Maslihatin, M.A., the excitement was clearly shown on the faces of the winners when they were called to receive the prizes. The distribution of door prizes not only succeeded in adding to the excitement of the event but also increased togetherness and kinship among the UNY academic community.
This joint gymnastic activity in celebration of UNY's 60th Anniversary is expected to not only to strengthen the physical but also the bond among members of the academic community. With the spirit of the 60th Anniversary, UNY continues to grow and contribute even more to society. (agl)
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