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- Improvement of facilities and infrastructure supporting the learning process
- UPPS urges PS lecturers to use English journals and books in classroom learning to improve foreign language skills, students are required to pass the TOEFL test, encourage student participation to take part in international standard programs
- UPPS and PS optimize the use of information technology to design, implement, and evaluate learning, as well as publications in the 4.0 era, PS organizes Indonesian Language and Literature Learning Media courses by always following the development of technology and information
- UPPS and PS provide communication spaces, both virtual and cyber to develop student communication
- UPPS instructs study programs to involve students in academic, research, and community service activities; Students are encouraged to actively organize and participate in various committees
- UPPS and PS facilitate prospective graduates in internships both on campus (BIPA organizing units), internships at other institutions (publishers and printing houses, BIPA institutions, Language Halls, Language Agencies, etc.) and internships abroad (BIPA at foreign universities as a means for self-development)
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Contact us
Gedung Kuliah I (GK I) FBSB UNY
Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
Telp: 0274-550843 / 546719
Fax: (0274) 548207
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