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Monitoring of the Final Project of the Indonesia Language and Literature Education Study Program

UNY, the Indonesia Language and Literature Education Study Program held a monitoring of students' final projects on Thursday, July 18, 2024 in the W.S. Rendra FBSB UNY Seminar Room. This activity is carried out to encourage timely graduation for students. Appearing as a speaker was the Coordinator of the Indonesia Language and Literature Education Study Program, Dr. Teguh Setiawan, M.Hum. In his presentation, it was emphasized that the class of 2017, the July 2024 study deadline, has taken the exam in July 2024, otherwise the August Judiciary must take the RPL; exit first and then register through the RPL route. If those who have not graduated, then the risk is DO (drop out), and they can re-register through the RPL (Recognition of Past Learning) route. Submission for UKT (Single Tuition) exemption, the exam must be in July and the judiciary in August 2024. It is important for students to ensure that they have taken the study program with a minimum of 144 credits, have a minimum GPA of 2.50, a maximum D grade of 10% of the number of credits for the S1 level study program, and a TOEFL score or equivalent of at least 400. For S1 students who are able to graduate on time with high academic achievements, they can get an opportunity for a S2 scholarship from FBSB. Lecturers are ready to support students to achieve graduation on time.
"The next batches are advised to start making targets for the July 31 exam and pursue the August judiciary for UKT-free and the 2019 batch to immediately conduct intensive consultations with their respective supervisors," said the forensic linguistic expert further.
A google form has been provided to monitor the progress of each student. Lecturers and students are advised to make a work contract with a supervisor to make a target achievement. If they face problems, students are asked to contact the study program to find solutions to the academic problems they face. With the spirit of graduating on time, students can save money and time.
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