Creative Reading Literacy Competency Development Workshop for Teachers in Sleman

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Creative Reading Literacy Competency Development Workshop (dok. pbsi uny)

Sleman, the Community Service Team (PPM) from the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Yogyakarta State University (9/3) has held a Workshop on Creative Reading Literacy Competency Development for Muhammadiyah Elementary School Teachers in West Sleman. This event took place in Seyegan, Sleman, with the main goal of improving teachers' competence in reading and writing literacy in accordance with the Independent Curriculum.

The workshop was chaired by Prof. Dr. Suhardi, M.Pd., with team members, namely Dr. St. Nurbaya, M.Hum., M.Si., Dr. Ary Kristiyani, S.Pd., M.Hum., Ari Listiyorini, S.S., M.Hum., and Mei Anjar Kumalasari, S.Pd., M.Pd., attended by 57 teachers from 29 Muhammadiyah Elementary Schools in West Sleman.

This activity aims to 1) improve teachers' competence in reading and writing literacy in preparation for implementing learning outcomes based on the Independent Curriculum. 2) Socialize the Literacy and Numeracy Competency Framework for Teachers in Elementary Schools in accordance with Circular Letter Number 0340/B/HK.01.03/2022 to teachers in the region.

The event was opened by Prof. Dr. Suhardi, M.Pd., which was then followed by the delivery of material by resource persons from the PPM Team. In addition to delivering the material, participants were also invited to practice literacy writing various texts such as poems, short stories, and children's stories from the results of creative reading literacy. In this practical session, participants received online guidance to support the learning process.

This PPM activity continued on Saturday, April 27, 2024, with a presentation of the results of writing literacy by the participants and a joint evaluation. "This workshop was carried out face-to-face and online according to the agreed schedule. Later, the literacy results from these teachers will be published in the form of anthologies, both poems, short stories, and children's stories," said Prof. Dr. Suhardi, M.Pd. "Hopefully, this activity can develop teacher literacy competencies and realize literate professional teachers," he continued.