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Developing a Reading Learning Model for High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

Developing a Reading Learning Model for High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)
UNY, Driven by concerns about the low literacy levels among Indonesian children, Dr. Setyawan Pujiono, M.Pd., a lecturer in UNY's PBSI department, has worked tirelessly to develop an effective reading learning model. Utilizing Problem Based Learning (PBL), the author of the book "Terampil Menulis: Cara Mudah dan Praktis dalam Menulis" (Graha Ilmu, 2013) completed a dissertation project titled "Developing Reading Learning Model with Problem Based Learning to Improve HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) in Junior High School Students."
The public defense took place on Monday, August 14, 2023, in the Cine Club Room, Ki Ageng Suryamentaram Building, UNY. The defense was chaired by Prof. Dr. Wiyatmi, M.Hum, with the promoter Prof. Dr. Sulis Triyono, M.Pd, the co-promoter Dr. Kastam Syamsi, M.Ed, internal examiner 1 Prof. Dr. Suhardi, M.Pd, internal examiner 2 Prof. Dr. Suwarna, M.Pd, and external examiner Prof. Dr. Joko Saryono, M.Pd.
The learning model developed by the lecturer, born in Purworejo on February 14, 1980, is expected to contribute in improving Indonesia's position in PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) and PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study). In these rankings, the ability to answer critical reading questions up to the creative level is assessed. Besides having good literacy skills, students also need to enhance their Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) or high-level thinking abilities.
"The reading learning model must reach that level, considering that we are in 21st-century education," said Dr. Setyawan Pujiono, M.Pd.
The success of Dr. Setyawan Pujiono is evident not only in the results of developing the learning model but also in his academic achievements in the doctoral program in Language Education at UNY. Dr. Setyawan Pujiono, M.Pd., successfully completed his studies in two years and eleven months with a GPA of 4.00, earning him the distinction of summa cum laude. When asked about tips for quickly graduating with the highest grades, the PBSI lecturer explained humbly, "This is thanks to the supportive policies from the dean, rector, and the doctoral program at UNY, which have a positive view of accelerating studies." This reflects UNY's commitment to support researchers and academics in achieving the highest achievements in their fields.
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