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Welcoming the Digital Era: International Conference on Language, Art, and Culture at the 61st Anniversary of FBSB UNY

Welcoming the Digital Era: International Conference on Language, Art, and Culture at the 61st Anniversary of FBSB UNY
UNY, Faculty of Language, Arts and Culture Yogyakarta State University (FBSB UNY) (24-25/4) celebrated its 61st Anniversary by holding a spectacular event: International Conference on Indonesian Language, Art and Culture with the theme "Indonesian Language, Literature and Art in the Digital Age in Global Contestation and Constellation", this seminar invited experts and practitioners from all over the world to share their thoughts and experiences. Prof. Wiyatmi, a lecturer at the PBSI Department was appointed as chairman of this international conference with the assistance of lecturers across study programs at the Faculty of Language, Arts and Culture as the committee.
The event opened with an inspiring keynote speaker from Prof. E. Aminudin Aziz, Head of the Language Development and Development Agency (Badan Bahasa), who discussed the role of Indonesian as UNESCO's Assembly Language. Wang Dandan, an academician from Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), China, gave his views on "Indonesian Language and Literature in the Chinese Region".
The main speakers such as Katharina Endriati Sukamto from Atmajaya University Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Sarwiji Suwandi from Sebelas Maret University (UNS), and Prof. Dr. Suminto A. Sayuti from Yogyakarta State University, discussed various current aspects in linguistic studies, language learning, and Indonesian literature in the digital era.
Dr. Agus Cahyono from Semarang State University (UNNES) brought the focus to "The Trend of Art Studies in the Digital Age in the Global Constellation", while Shorouk Thabet Ahmed from Egypt discussed "Indonesian and Egyptian Literary Relations in Global Contestation".
Not only that, experts from abroad also contributed, such as Prof. Dr. Uli Kozok from the United States who highlighted "Indonesian Language and Culture in the United States", and Dr. Howard Manns from Monash University, Australia, who discussed "Indonesian Language and Culture in Australia".
The event was also enlivened by parallel presentations from 164 parallel speakers and attended by 50 seminar participants from home and abroad, including delegates from America, the Netherlands, Britain, France, and other countries. This is an extraordinary forum for academics and practitioners to exchange ideas and experiences in enriching understanding of Indonesian language, literature, art, and culture in the ever-changing digital era. (lin)
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