Nurturing Creativity: Activist Work is Civilizational Work

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Musyawarah Anggota LPPM Kreativa (dok.pbsi uny)

Nurturing Creativity: Activist Work is Civilizational Work

At the end of the 2023 term of office, the Creative Research and Media Development Agency (LPPM Kreativa) held a Member Consultation on Saturday, December 23, 2023, at the PKM FBSB UNY Hall. This activity aimed to evaluate all the work programs carried out during a one-year term of office. All members and the supervisor of LPPM Kreativa attended the event.

In his address, Wijang Iswara Mukti, M.Pd., as the supervisor of LPPM Kreativa, emphasized that media activists must pay more attention to the phenomena happening in society. This attention can be realized by habituating oneself to dig as deeply as possible into news, obtaining the clearest information. Considering the prevalence of fake news, propaganda, and fact distortion in the modern era, being critical of information is crucial.

Furthermore, as LPPM Kreativa is under the auspices of an educational institution, Wijang Iswara Mukti emphasized that the work of activists should be oriented towards civilization work. Civilizational work is not an instant job but an effort that is done continuously. The main focus of civilizational work is not only on physical achievements such as building grand structures or creating other physical infrastructure but more on building the infrastructure of thought, awareness, and understanding that supports the values of truth, justice, and humanism.

According to him, a noble civilization always begins with the thoughts and understanding of its people about these noble values. It is impossible for a noble civilization to emerge from a society that ignores these values. Furthermore, Wijang Iswara Mukti, M.Pd., asserted that LPPM Kreativa, as a Student Activity Unit (UKM) in the field of media and publishing, has the task of continuously producing high-quality information and writings. These works are expected to serve as a means of enlightenment and liberation from all forms of mental shackles and colonization. Thus, LPPM Kreativa is committed to being at the forefront in voicing truth, justice, and human values through its produced works.


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